The Basic Principles behind Reiki:
When you become tuned to reiki we are cleared of all the clocks within us, that stand between ourselves and ultimately spirit. Reiki helps wake us up. It connects us deeper.
The official reiki attunement from a certification is an initiation to away of living, being, and interacting with spirit that has always been with in us. An attunement is an awareness of our self empowerment.
Remember reiki heals all walks of life, you just have to trust the process.
Each day we are given the gift to build new foundations, new opportunities, & new aspirations.
Each year I share this gift with my community so that they too can use this powerful tool in their every day life.
In this upcoming Reiki 1 Certification course, you will learn empowering tools to connect with your intuition and learn healing patterns and practices to care for yourself and those you love.
Topics covered:
Understanding energy and how we are all connected
The history of Reiki
Reiki benefits
Reiki Precepts
Healing modalities, meditations, and chakra balancing tools
Learn the Reiki hand positions
What you will receive:
Reiki 1 Manual
Reiki 1 attunement
Reiki 1 Certificate
Lineage Tree
Tangible practices
Understanding of how to protect your energy
A healing experience
A special gift from me!