River Bend Yoga

Vinyasa Flow - Level 1-2
with Shea Radcliff

August 8 (Thursday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
60 minutes


A mind, body and heart-centered practice, Mixed level Flow is great for beginners as well as more experienced students. We will use a specific style of deep, rhythmic breathing, which creates a sense of flow and is especially good for those who may not be able to do consistent repetitions of full sun salutations. We'll link our physical movements with the breath and find stability, flow, and balance in each pose and transition.  
When we base our yoga practice on good technique, we gain, ultimately, more freedom and satisfaction than we'd otherwise have. Just as you can't build a stable house on sand, we can't build strong and stable yoga practices on poor alignment. 
The level of challenge is determined by the abilities of the participants. The class can be adapted to meet your individual needs; modifications and variations are offered. 


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